

St. Ann is the patroness of our institution. She was born in the city of Nazareth and was educated in the temple of the Lord. The meaning of the word ‘Ann’ in Hebrew is ‘grace’. She was a grace-filled lady in the true sense and was very much devoted in learning Holy Scriptures. Ann was married to Joachim and was barren for a long time. But their incessant prayers for a child was answered and got a noble girl child and that was Mary, who miraculously gave birth to Jesus, the son of God, in this world. He is believed as the one who freed mankind from the bondages of sin and death. ‘Every tree is known by the fruit it bears’ (St.Lk.6/44) is true in the case of Ann. She is a model in bringing up young ones in wisdom.


Fr. Wilhelm Meyer , our Founder was a person with clarity of perception and reflective attitude. For him, living his daily life was an enactment of Salvation History. In short, he was a person after God’s own heart. He laid his new plan of founding a religious association of Sisters, before God in prayer because he desired only God’s will. With conviction and clear vision, he undertook the work with great energy and placed the Society under the protection of St. Ann. Our Founder’s expression, “Every beginning is difficult” shows the humble and silent development. The Society of St. Ann grew solidly as it is indicated clearly in the words of the Founder: “The Society of St. Ann is built upon a firm rock, the will of God… The Society is the work of divine providence and His works endure although people change or pass away. Whatever is built on the Lord is built on solid ground”.

In India, the Congregation has spread its wings in 14 States (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Odisha, Telangana and Tamil Nadu).